Monday, October 29, 2007
Kindred Spirits
She must have felt it too because she kept saying to me...were we separated at birth. She told her mother I was the Yin to her Yang...(never been called that). What crazy world is this when you think something and you put it out there and it comes true. She has had the same fears I have, and she gave me some good practical advice and shes just like me and you think... wow..maybe I can do it. She makes a lot of money, she believes in her work and does what has to be done and she has succeeded.
As an adult we have self doubt and trust issues....finding new friends are hard. Finding someone that can complete your sentences is impossible. We have guarded ourselves against life....we find it hard to believe in the possibilities of success. But if you believe in you, trust you will succeed.....know what you want and what you have to do to get have to commit to you
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I've Lost Weight
My Dogs Anxiety
Friday, October 19, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I Just Want To Escape..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Queen Of The Doodle Art

The Floor Gods Are Taunting Me....

Monday, October 15, 2007
Getting on the Britney Bandwagon

Friday, October 12, 2007
A Nice Hot Bath

Etsy Forums Rock

I have to confess something. I am an Etsy forum junkie.
Every morning I log in and head right there. My personal fav is the Etc forum. I love the fact that people will put just about anything in there. From bitching about daily events to exploding joy over their first sale. I seen post about sex , political issues and just plain silliness. But what I love about is it puts you in touch with people just like yourself.
The life of a creative person can be a bit isolated, there is a lot of alone time in the whole process and its nice to know that out there, somewhere, in a small studio or a family kitchen table, there is a person that works with their hands and sees the world slightly like you. Creative people think outside the box, they have to in order to survive and think up all the work they do. When discribing myself I always tell people "I never color inside the lines"....
I have become an addict to this slight voyeuristic world of the forums. I have discovered a lot of very interesting people and things I just can't live with out. I have expanded my world and shrunken my bank account. With a coffee in hand, I log in and scan the ones that spark my interest. These forums have filled my time during this renovation and kept me sane and got me through. I have not been able to work on my art, so I have spent my free time snooping about, discovering new friends and shopping my heart out. To all who entertained me....I thank you. Your encouraging words has kept me sane and made me laugh. To all that I have shopped from...I thank you, and my credit card company thanks you too!
See you in the forums...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sour Puss

Tile 8

I drew this on my tablet, lets you know how board I much longer before I can put some of my house back together and feel normal again. Today has been quiet, just the sounds of the saws and hammers and the occasional smell of burnt wood hangs in the air. I had to beak at my contractor about you know who today. We have come to a decision...ta da Tomorrow I am to get a new tile man. We have been pushed to the limit but it seems as a team the tile man and I don't see eye to eye. Of coarse it would help if he actually was here to look in to his eyes....but you get my point. The sad news is, his methods and others are not the same and so some of the new tile just put down may have to replaced. It's now a joke, you have to laugh.
I did some actual house work today just to feel normal. I never thought I would miss it, but I do. Dishes and laundry are a given, they will always be there. With all these men in my house it feels dirty. I have no room to work but tonight I should have at least proper beds in the rooms. I am feeling the need to be creative and since I have no place to work I will transfer those feelings over to cooking today. I have a roast marinating and making apple crisp and baked macaroni. It's times like these when comfort food is in order.
And so I leave you today with a sample of an old painting I did. The fields here are filled with pumpkins all in brilliant orange. Fall is here folks!